Next week we are going to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. This will be my first time, and I am thrilled!! I will take lots of pictures to show you what I've been doing.
    I am really busy this summer so I don't have much time to update this blog.

Here are some really fun apps to play in order:

1. Hay Day

2. Sims FreePlay

3.Dragon Vale

     We (my family and visitors) went to the fireworks in Boston! They were so amazing
     Today we (chaos boys and their mother who is extremely nice + my family) went whale watching. It was VERY windy and cold but we all survived. After an hour of sailing the seas we came upon a humpback whale named Nile. Her body was huge but her tail was smaller than expected. I had a great time.
     On Sunday my mom's friend and her to boys, Lucas and Ben, came to our house for the fourth of July. They are ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!! 
     Yay x1,000,000,000. I got my ears pierced today :) Little gold stars are now decorating my ears. After the man pierced my ears they stung a lot :( but I can't feel them now. Yay
      Yesterday was the last day of school :) My grade watched Matilda the movie. It was very intense but it is now my favorite movie. After are school got out (we had a half day) my family and I went out to lunch at the Aegean (a Greek restaurant). Then we went home to relax. After we had dinner TT, TT's mom, my mom, and me all went out for Ice cream to celebrate the end of elementary   
     The other post called the best week ever was wrong. This week was THE BEST WEEK EVER. On Tuesday we had field day and portfolio day. Then on Wednesday the whole grade went to the Hopkinton YMCA. In the morning it was all about team work on what they called the "Low ropes". After we had lunch we did the "high ropes". The high ropes were 20 to 40 feet of the ground and all about perseverance and determination. On Thursday we had the country fair. Everyone presented their project including me. Mine was on Turkey. Finally on Friday my grade had fun day. We had a picnic lunch with hamburgers and hotdogs. At the end of the day we got ice cream.        
     THE END OF SCHOOL IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next week is our last full week of school and we have only one more day we do work. The rest of the days are portfolio/field day, YMCA trip, Country Fair, and fun day. 
     This weekend we were crazy busy. On Friday I went to a grade 4 party. It was really fun and I went to the finals in the hula-hooping contest. After the party was over TT and me went to my house for a sleep over. The next day (after TT left) we went on a trip to Providence, Rhode Island. We took the train there and back. We were going to Providence for an event called Water Fire. Water Fire is when they set fire to little floating campfires on the canal. There is about 100 of the campfires. We stayed in Providence over night and came back the next day. It was a very fun weekend! 


    I love to write and make websites. When I grow up I want to learn how to do computer programing. I have a mom, a dad and a brother.




    August 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013
    May 2013
    April 2013